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Who Can Benefit from a Certified Aircraft Appraisal
Know the current Fair Market Value before you approve the loan. A Certified Aircraft Appraisal from Leading Edge Aircraft Appraisal meets all the asset reporting requirements as stipulated by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC). The Certified Aircraft Appraisal will substantiate the value of an aircraft in the loan portfolio, or foreclosure proceedings, by providing independent evaluation of the aircraft's collateral value.
Divorce, Estate planning, Probate and Bankruptcy protection all require a Certified Aircraft Appraisal. When an aircraft is involved in litigation, you must know the current Fair Market Value before you go to court. Aircraft are incredibly expensive assets and well-intended, yet poor advice regarding an aircraft's value could easily cost your client many thousands of dollars. An NAAA Certified Aircraft Appraisal from Leading Edge will provide you with independent substantiation of the aircraft's true value
When it's time to buy that dream plane, don't pay too much! Know the current Fair Market Value before you make an offer. The peace-of-mind obtained from a Certified Aircraft Appraisal is quite inexpensive compared to the cost of an airplane and the potential for over paying. It will also help you secure financing by providing the lender with independent substantiation of the aircraft's collateral value.
When it's time to sell, know the current Fair Market Value of your aircraft and price it accordingly. A Certified Aircraft Appraisal will save you time and money! The average time to sell an aircraft is over seven months, costing you extra hangar rent, insurance, etc. Our professional appraisal may help reduce the time to sell your aircraft. It provides you with a valuable tool to establish and substantiate your asking price. It gives potential buyers an impartial, comprehensive, evaluation of the complete aircraft and distinguishes you from other sellers.
How much is my aircraft worth? That is a valid question, especially in today's rapidly changing used aircraft market. Aircraft values are constantly changing and for the past decade, the trend has been one of increasing value. Stay current with the appreciation of your aircraft and don't get caught under-insured. Conversely, don't pay unnecessary taxes because the local government overvalued your aircraft. A Certified Aircraft Appraisal is an invaluable tool to be used for tax court, bank collateral, estate planning, and when donating an aircraft for tax purposes. The peace-of-mind obtained from a Certified Aircraft Appraisal is quite inexpensive compared to the cost of overpaying taxes or insurance settlement based on an under-insured policy.
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