About Us

Who is Leading Edge?
Simply put, we are an aircraft appraisal company. We are a proud member of the National Aircraft Appraisers Association (NAAA). The NAAA was the first nationally recognized trade association for professional aircraft appraisers. Since 1980, the NAAA has been the certification entity, and has established rigid standards and the Code of Ethics for professional aircraft appraisers in the United States and abroad.
Our Mission
Leading Edge Aircraft Appraisals' sole mission is to provide you with the most credible, accurate, unbiased and professional Certified Aircraft Appraisal. We appraise all types of aircraft from Jets and Helicopters to Vintage and Home-built/Experimental planes.
Our Expert Appraiser
Our NAAA, Senior Certified Appraiser, is Rick Kozubek. Rick has been completely immersed in all aspects of aviation for over 40 years. Ricks' qualifications, background and experience guarantee Leading Edge Aircraft Appraisals' stated mission to provide you with the most accurate aircraft appraisal. Ricks' credentials are as follows:
NAAA Senior Certified Appraiser - 17 years as appraiser with re-curring training in Aircraft Principles of Evaluation
FAA licensed A&P Aircraft Mechanic with Inspection Authorization - 36 years as licensed mechanic - repairing and re-building aircraft - performing Aircraft Annual Inspections
FAA licensed Airline Transport Pilot - 36 years and over 21,000 worldwide flight hours as a licensed pilot flying everything from small single engine propeller aircraft to large four engine jet aircraft
United States Air Force Senior Pilot - 12 years USAF pilot, Flight Instructor, Flight Evaluator and trained Aircraft Accident Investigator
Experimental Aircraft Association member - 36 years involvement with building experimental aircraft
Bachelor's of Science degree in Aviation Science - Attended Spartan College of Aeronautics, Tulsa University, and College of the Ozarks